It's St Patrick's Day, so to celebrate here are 3 classic tracks from 3 classic albums that you really should seek out and purchase.
First we have "The Maids of Castlebar & The Collier's Reel" played by Tony Mac Mahon and Noel Hill from the great album "Music of Dreams".
The Maids of Castlebar - The Collier's Reel
Next is from the same two players, "The Old Concertina Reel, Come West Along the Road" from a different but equally great album "In Knocknagree".
The Old Concertina Reel - Come West Along The Road
To finish we have "The Flowers of Brooklyn / The Palm Tree" from Billy McComiskey's masterclass album "Makin' The Rounds".
The Flowers of Brooklyn - The Palm Tree
When you're done here then pop over to Let's Polka for some more classic tunes
Link: St Patricks Day at Let's Polka
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