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Gholamreza Seyed Hasani

Thank you very much for your nice comments about my blog.Yours is also very interesting.I will add your URL to my favorite web addresses.

Bruce Triggs

This is a great find! I've written to Mr Hasani to see if he can answer some questions about the central asian "garmon" accordion (it's kind of got button-shaped-keys or piano-shaped-buttons on both sides.)

I hope we can get more music from him to play on our radio show. If you find more regional sites, please share them with us!

mister anchovy

I really enjoyed this blog as well, and have linked to it. The Garmon music is beautiful!

Chess Thug

I love your site...Saw this and thought you would be into it.

chess thug

this is what i meant to show you...its accordion passion at its best

Buy Accordions

This is a great find! I've also written to Mr Hasani.


Please check out my video featuring a great Dominican accordion player, El Prodigio.


Hi! I wanted to share this documentary with you, that we made some years ago. It's about an Argentinian accordion luthier here in Santa Fe that builds accordion using his own tools, and loves chamamé. I hope you like it!

Best regards!

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